You may be disappointed to know that Charles and Myrtle are actually dead.  But on the bright side there's this great coffeehouse concert series named after them.  The attendees included a group celebrating a birthday; I was part of the surprise.  And featured artist that night Joni Bishop is also a visual artist, so the coloring activity wasn't nearly as odd as usual.

I think this one was done by the artist gal in the movie
"Cast Away."
These people clearly have no idea who I am.
I need to thank my publicist.
If John the Baptist had worn a tux, maybe he wouldn't have lost his head.
Not sure what this one's trying to say about my sense of humor....
I call this the "double combover."  Good for the profile AND the frontal view.
Note the benevolent hand, rubbing the fuzz for luck.
Maybe if I were a poodle...nope, not even then.
"When I was a child..." I colored like this, too.