From my very first house concert (as host and opening act), Memorial Day weekend '05.  Most of these are "unsigned works" (such a modest crowd).  I have to be kind--they know where I live.

Ever in touch with pop culture, Audrey Hatcher shows how I would look if I gave in to the Dark Side.  Well, you can't go wrong with black, right?
The new superhero for
these nutty times:
"Portrait of the Artist as a Young Mad Inventor"
The great thing about this style is you look as good when you wake up as you're going to all day
I call this the Electric Mullet.
Not sure what Renee RIzzo
had in mind.
Looks like an Easter egg
in need of a shave.
Something about the Crayolas brings out the punk sensibilities in all of us.
This is a little too Pippi Longstocking for me.
The Rock 'N' Roll Combover.
Repeat after me, kids:
"You're never too old...."